Self, Family, Community

We are a gathering of patriots who share a common goal: to serve, protect, and improve our communities and country. To achieve this, we follow three pillars: Self, Family & Community.

Self: Taking care of ourselves is essential to be able to serve and protect others. We prioritize our moral strength and self-readiness. We seek opportunities to improve ourselves both physically and mentally.

Family: We also prioritize the safety and well-being of our families/loved ones. We need to have the necessary skills to be able to provide resources for them and create a safe environment in which they can survive. These skills include prepping, first aid training, and survival readiness.

Community: We believe in serving our community and making a positive impact. We get involved, provide safety when needed, and lend a hand to our fellow citizens. By partnering with local resources, we can work together to promote our Organization’s positive message and grow as a community.

”Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”


California Three Percenters is a statewide organization consisting of patriotic citizens who love their country, its freedoms, and its liberty. We are NOT a militia; instead, we are a network of like-minded individuals with diverse training and skills, committed to sharing knowledge and learning from each other at a local level. Our aim is to enhance our preparedness and resilience during challenging times.

We support Constitutional government and the preservation of its original design; one that is “of the people, for the people and by the people.” We do not intend to implement our own government or incite revolution; however, we will defend our Constitution, our Country, and our Communities when necessary. There are fail-safes put in place by our founders to rein in an overreaching government and push back against tyranny should they be needed.

Being a Three Percenter is more of a way of life rather than a club to join. As such, there are no membership fees or dues, and we will not charge people to participate. Events held at facilities that require admission can be paid individually, as a group, or through a legal means of fundraising. Operational costs (Website hosting, forum participation, training resources, etc.) are paid through member donations. Mostly, we are an “open-source community,” meaning we help each other and try not to rely on third parties or institutions that cost money for our operations. We consist exclusively of volunteers, and no member at any level is on any payroll provided by our organization.


The California Three Percenters trace their origins back to the mid-1700s when the British colonies of North America were dissatisfied with the British Empire and the ruling class in England. These colonists banded together to push an ideology that recognized every person’s rights from birth, granted by their Creator, and identified any limitation or denial of these rights as tyranny and oppression. Those colonists worked together to peacefully resolve abuses of their government but recognized that peace was not always guaranteed.

The idea of having Minutemen available at a moment’s notice to defend themselves, their families, and their townships from an ever-encroaching empire emerged. These Minutemen would meet and train so they would be ready if ever needed. It is estimated that only 3% of the colonists were actively fighting against British forces at any given time, from which the name “3%” originated.

In this century, the California Three Percenters continue to embrace the 3% name in recognition that we may be the last line of defense to protect the citizens and Constitution of the United States. We are committed to upholding the principles of freedom and liberty granted to “WE THE PEOPLE” by our Creator while peacefully resolving grievances with the government and using violence only as a defensive last resort.


All Three Percenters must abide by the following principles. Anyone who cannot accept these principles as a self-imposed discipline is not welcome in this organization, nor should ever consider themselves a part of the Three Percenter movement.

Moral Strength: Knowing what is right and wrong and acting accordingly. Being trustworthy, truthful, and holding high values and principles. Strength to stand up when something is morally wrong.

Physical Readiness: Physical readiness is defined as the ability to meet the physical demands of any task to accomplish the objective at hand. There are some III%ers with disabilities that may prevent them from meeting physical demands, and for these people, there is an exception.

No First Use of Force: “Don’t fire unless fired upon.” We are not the aggressor nor antagonist. We assume a purely defensive stance and disavow any aggressive or antagonistic behavior. The use of force is strictly reserved as a measure of last resort.

No Targeting of Innocents: This principle is self-explanatory. We never purposely harm or target innocent people.


We ask all California Three Percenters to take and keep the following oath:

“I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. I swear (or affirm) to uphold the four principles of a Three Percenter: have moral strength, be physically ready, no first use of force, and no targeting of innocents.”

Any member who is prior or current military/law enforcement should always remember, reflect, and abide by the sworn oath they took. We also propose that these individuals who are current military and/or law enforcement take and keep the following oath from the Oath Keepers organization under any and all circumstances:

– I will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
– I will NOT obey orders to conduct illegal searches of the American people.
– I will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal.
– I will NOT obey orders to impose unjustified martial law or a “State of emergency” on a state.
– I will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any State that asserts its sovereignty.
– I will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities and thus turn them into giant concentration camps/civilian war zones.
– I will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under ANY pretext.
– I will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control.”
– I will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies.
– I will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.


For conflict-of-interest reasons, Leaders and representatives in our organization are not permitted to be Leaders, representatives, or members in other similar organizations. Furthermore, members of CA III% cannot hold leadership positions in any other competing organizations; however, there is no issue with non-leadership members participating as members in those organizations, except for any organization formed from or as an offshoot of the California Three Percenters. Leadership roles in this organization were created to serve, not command, those they are appointed over.

State Lead: Oversees all day-to-day activities of the org including, but not limited to the chat forums, websites, and social media outlets. Provides guidance and assistance to all Regional Representatives as well as all other leadership roles and all state members.

Regional Reps: Oversees all day-to-day activities in their region. Assists the State Lead and other Regional Reps with their responsibilities. Aids and assists Training Officers and all members in their region. (No more than 3 Regional Reps at any time.)

State Training Advisor: Develops a basic training plan in the areas of Land Nav, Comms, First Aid, Advanced Tactical, and Basic Survival for all trainers to implement. Assists in planning training events statewide.

State Vetting Officer: Processes and reviews all potential member questionnaires and conducts background checks as needed. Can have further duties as assigned by the State Lead.

Administrative Assistant: Prepares all documents, write-ups, and minute entries. Can have further duties as assigned by the State Lead.

3% of the 3% (33): Conducts face-to-face meetings and completes vetting of potential members in their area. Organizes local events and gatherings. Assists the local trainers to schedule and complete training. Additional responsibilities described in the 33 Section to follow.

Local Trainers: Work directly with the State Training Advisor to implement training in their specific field. Organize and schedule training at the local level. Can have further duties as assigned by the State Training Advisor.


The State Lead will be elected with a majority vote by all members. This position will be open for election every two years. This election will be held on June 10th. A State Lead can hold this position for two consecutive terms. A third term is allowed but only after a new State Lead has served a full term. If a State Lead must step down due to delinquency of duty, willful abdication, or impeachment, an emergency secret vote will be held by all members to determine which Regional Rep will finish the existing term. If the Regional Rep assumes a State Lead term of over one year, this will count as one full term regarding reelection.

All other

State Leadership positions will be individually elected with a majority vote by all members. These positions will be open for election every year. These elections will be held on June 17th. All State Leadership positions have a three-term limit. After serving three terms total in a position, the member can run for a different state leadership position. If a member in State Leadership must step down due to delinquency of duty, willful abdication, or impeachment, an emergency secret vote will be held by all members to determine who will continue in the vacant position. If the newly elected member takes over the position for more than six months, this will count as one full term regarding reelection. If it is less than six months, it does not count against them.

3% OF THE 3% (33)

The 33 designation is a distinguished title given to those who go above and beyond in their support of the Organization, its members, and the community at large. These individuals are the 3% of the 3%, meaning they represent a small but highly committed group of members who take their responsibilities seriously and work tirelessly to promote the goals and objectives of the organization, who lead from the front and set the example for others to follow. This title is only given to those who have been members in good standing for more than one year.

A 33 member must meet and maintain specific criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Attendance of 1 State FTX, ½ of all 33 and State Zoom Meetings each year and remain in regular communication on the Prospect and State Chats.
  • Augment their skills in such areas as:
  • Firearms
  • Communications (Ham/GMRS Radio, Hand Signals, etc.)
  • Medical Training (General, Tactical, Wilderness)
  • Land Navigation
  • Survival Training (Shelter, Fire, Water, etc.)
  • Leadership – The ability to effectively communicate, delegate, and aid in the goals and objectives set forth by the SL and RL’s for the future growth of our organization by:
    • Conducting FTFs & engaging prospects
    • Planning and creating events
    • Recruiting and promotion of the Organization

Nominating a member for the 33 designation can only be done by a current 33 member. A nominee must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of one year. The nominating 33 member will provide reasoning and evidence to support their nominee. After presentation of evidence, a vote will be opened to the current 33 members and will remain open for 48 hours. The vote must pass by a ⅔ margin. If a nominee does not receive ⅔ of the vote, they can be proposed again after 90 days.

Removal of a 33 will be by the request of a Regional (RL) or State Lead (SL), and only after counseling has occurred twice to make corrections. A request for removal could be for reasons of conduct, inactivity, or bylaw violation(s). When a 33 is suggested to be removed, a meeting of the 33’s will be conducted within one week. This meeting will be for the presentation of evidence and discussion, which the member-in-question will be allowed to attend. Once the meeting has occurred and evidence brought forth, a ⅔ vote by current 33 members will determine if removal will be initiated, at which time a one-year probationary period for the member must be completed prior to requesting a reassessment.

A 33 member can also step down at any time by notifying the other current members. To return to the 33 designation requires only a request and vote of approval.


We will ensure that our organization becomes a legacy we pass down to future generations. In the event of the State Leader’s death or incapacitation, the Regional Reps will immediately assume the duties and responsibilities of the State Lead until an emergency vote for a new State Lead can be held.


The primary method of communication between all levels will be with the use of the State Telegram Chat. The secondary method of communication will be via radio frequency links in the High Frequency, Very High Frequency, and Ultra High Frequency bands. Use of these frequencies may require the user to have a valid Amateur Radio license issued by the FCC. The Prospect Telegram Chat should only be used for non-sensitive postings and welcoming potential new members. Other social media platforms should also follow this procedure.


To aid with communications and to establish rapport within our organization, the State Lead will host a video conference call (Zoom) on the first Thursday of each month and the Regional Reps will take turns hosting a video call on the third Thursday of each month. The host of the video conference can request all members’ cameras to be on during the meeting at any time due to the sensitive information that might be shared. This is for confidentiality and the safety of our members. Video calls will be open to all members.


California Three Percenters is strongly supportive of family dynamics. We encourage family-friendly meetings where spouses and children can attend. However, for the safety of all involved, the following guidelines will be followed regarding minors (under the age of 18) attending the Organization’s functions.

  • No one under the age of 18 is eligible for membership.
  • Minors of all ages are welcome at non-training events such as meet and greets, barbecues, and community outreach functions. Minors of appropriate age are allowed at training events. The appropriate age is subject to change depending on the type of training being conducted. This will be at the discretion of the Training Officer conducting the training. It is suggested that if the member wishes their child to participate in the training, that they first attend family-friendly events, so trainers and members may get to know the child and get a better idea of the training events they could safely attend. The minor must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian at all times during training events.


We HIGHLY encourage anyone who has had a felony conviction to get their crimes expunged or dismissed. Until crimes are expunged or dismissed, members are not allowed to hold any Leadership position within the organization, attend any live-fire event, talk to any news or media outlet, or represent the organization in any manner. However, those with felonies are allowed to be present at meet and greets and other non-official meetings and non-live-fire trainings. Attendance at large comprehensive trainings (FTX) or at campouts is permitted but the member must voluntarily remain away from all range activities including firearms instructions, dry fire exercises, or any other event that would violate the member’s restrictions.

Vetted membership is possible if the member meets the following criteria:

  • Seven or more years have passed since the conviction.
  • Parole/probation is complete.
  • The conviction was not for any of the following crimes: child molestation, sex with a minor, rape, stalking, human trafficking, felony domestic violence, murder, or any other crime not specified that the 3% of the 3% council determines the acceptance thereof would be a detriment to the organization or its members.

Upon application for membership, all applicants must provide information as necessary to complete a comprehensive background check and should openly disclose to the Vetting Officer any potential information that may arise from such. Lying or omission of facts during the vetting process will be grounds for immediate termination of the application and no future application will be accepted. The applicant will need to bring all court documentation from their conviction(s) to their face-to-face meeting. If the “33” member hosting the FTF feels the applicant meets the criteria and has provided all necessary documentation, the “33” will provide all information to the “33” council for a vote. The applicant must then receive a 2/3 vote from the “33” council before they will be allowed to become a member.

Conviction of a felony during membership should be disclosed to Leadership immediately. Documentation regarding the conviction should be submitted for review. The member will be put on probationary status and by such will not be allowed to vote, attend meetings or training, or any other Regional or State functions until the “33” council rules on the member’s status as a California Three Percenter.


Recruiting is best done in person, though not required. Only invite those who you think you can trust and who you feel would make a great member. The first recruiting focus of each member should be to recruit family members, friends, and neighbors, as it is easiest to gauge their interest and potential. The second focus should be to recruit those people you see in person or on social media that seem to have the same ideals that we have. If you notice someone who has a patriotic sticker on their vehicle, strike up a conversation. You can have business cards made to pass on to potential members. Look for quality people who will help our image and who already identify with the ideals and principles of the organization.

The best way to attract new members is to tell them about the organization. We have templates that can be used for distributing information about our group and bringing people to our online resources. From there, the vetting and networking process for members and Leaders can begin. Some of these templates include business cards with contact information, pamphlets that provide insight into our group and our objectives, and flyers that can draw people to meets and events.


The State Lead, State Vetting Officer, and the “33” member conducting the FTF, have full discretion to accept or reject any potential member for this organization. The State Vetting Officers will only accept potential members who they feel are upstanding, law-abiding citizens who will benefit their State and our organization.

To complete the vetting process in this organization, potential members must complete the following:

  • Complete the vetting questionnaire honestly and completely.
  • Read our Bylaws and SOP’s.
  • Complete 2 face-to-face meetings with 2 separate 3% of the 3% members. This includes providing a State ID upon request and answering all questions before, during, and after the FTF meetings.
  • After completing both FTF meetings, the prospect must attend 1 training event.
  • Remain an active and engaging participant in the Prospect Chat.

This process will take no less than 30 days but no more than 90 days. If a prospect does not complete this process in 90 days, their vetting process may start over at step 1. The prospect will only become a member after they complete the steps in this process within the required time frame. Once a prospect becomes a member, they will be granted access to our Org’s training events and communication.


Anyone who claims to be a Three Percenter but does not abide by or follow the ‘4 Principles of a Three Percenter’ should cease to be called such. Any member who lies during the vetting process, any felon who fails to follow the rules laid out in this document for felons, and/or any person who has underlying motives that do not align with our views will be removed immediately. If at any time any member feels an individual’s views are not in alignment with the views expressed in this document, that member should seek out a Leader immediately and report said person. If an individual is trying to act in our name and their actions are not aligned with our views and principles, we will take actions to make all aware that this individual does not represent our organization, nor the Three Percent movement as a whole. If any member feels another member is a credible threat to themselves or others, that member should contact local authorities or 911 immediately.


If at any time a member feels that a State Lead, Regional Rep, STA, SVO, AA, or 33 has failed in their duties, they may call for a review of conduct by the “33 Committee”. The accusing member will be the only person given an opportunity to provide proof of their accusations to the Committee. This must be done within 48 hours of their initial call for review. If the accuser does not supply the committee with testimony within 48 hours, the matter will be dropped immediately. Once that issue is heard, the Committee will have 48 hours to hold a vote to see if an investigation is warranted. If the vote results are less than 50%, no actions or investigations will take place. If the vote is 50%+1 or more, the Committee MUST conduct a full investigation of the charges. The accuser and the accused will be added to the committee chat for the duration of the investigation. This investigation must include the testimony of the accuser as well as the accused. Both parties will be allowed to provide evidence and call witnesses on their behalf. If either party does not respect the process and is a disruption in the committee chat, they will be removed from the chat after a warning so that the investigation may continue. Once all testimony is heard, both of the parties will be removed from the Committee chat and the Committee members will discuss the merits of the accusation. Once this process is complete, they will hold a vote. If the vote results in a guilty verdict of 2/3 or more, the guilty member will immediately be removed from their title and duties. They will remain a member of our organization unless their actions warrant removal from our organization. If the vote results in a guilty verdict of less than 50%, the accused is considered innocent, and the conduct of the accuser MUST be reviewed by the same Committee. Their actions will be reviewed for possible consequences. If the guilty vote results in a vote of more than 50%+1 but less than 2/3, the accused is still considered innocent, but no further review is necessary for the accuser or the accused. For full transparency, once this process is complete, a full report will be supplied to all members within 7 days. If the member is found guilty and has evidence that anything in the process was unfair or not thorough, they can file an appeal with a Regional Rep or the State Lead. State Leadership will conduct a review of evidence and work adamantly with the committee to find a fair and agreeable solution for all parties involved.


Members may wear apparel or fly flags with our logo on it wherever they see fit. The only exception to this is at events where it can be reasonably believed that conflict may take place. An example of this would be protests and counter-protests. Protecting our organization’s reputation should always be at the forefront.


Our organization requires members to be trustworthy and honorable individuals. We expect all members to conduct themselves with respect to our organization and their fellow members. At no time are we permitted to disrespect other members or defame our organization. It is our belief that the primary purpose of our organization is to make each other better. This will not take place if we do not conduct ourselves in a professional manner with each other. No matter our differences of opinions, we must always maintain a level of respect for ourselves, our organization, and each other. Any social media chat whose membership is made up of 2 or more of CAIII% members will be subjected to these guidelines. These guidelines are not intended that each first-degree offense shall be immediately enforced but they are intended to provide a guideline for proper conduct and give Leadership a tool to correct negative behavior. Anyone who does not follow our bylaws and the rules within is subjected to disciplinary action. There are three degrees of offenses.

Rules subjected to First Degree Offense:

  • Posting spam – Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to many recipients
  • Posting media articles on non-related chats.
  • Posting porn, unnecessarily graphic images or comments, or anything else not appropriate for a work environment.
  • Falsely accusing a member of misconduct.
  • Excessive Solicitation or advertising.
  • Intentionally being rude or disrespectful to another member.
  • Sharing of your electronic communications accounts or communication equipment non-maliciously; including but not limited to the following: email, social media, radios and/or org frequencies, telecommunications, or video.

First Degree Offense Corrections:

  • The message posted will be removed (if applicable).
  • Leadership will message the offender directly to make them aware of their offense.
  • The offending member will post an apology to the affected person, the members in the chat group, and/or the entire organization.
  • The COC Committee will also decide if further corrective measures should be taken. If they decide to review the conduct, the COC Committee can decide if a strike should be placed in the members’ file. A full investigation is not required for an offense that has a maximum of 1 strike.

Rules subjected to 2nd Degree Offense:

  • Trolling members on any internet pages/chats (Trolling – A person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community.)
  • Sharing your account maliciously.
  • Threatening violence or harassment to another member.
  • Falsely accusing a member of misconduct with malice.
  • Physically being an aggressor or antagonist.
  • Talking of overthrowing the government.
  • Racism or discrimination.
  • Undermining or defaming the organization and/or movement in public or private.
  • Flagrantly disrespecting a fellow member.
  • Any action that has malicious intent.

Second Degree Offense Intent:

  • 2nd Degree rules are not subjected to the intent of the member, as they have already been deemed a malicious offense.

Second Degree Offense Corrections:

  • The same as the first-degree offense corrective measures.
  • In addition to that, the member’s behavior shall be reviewed by the COC Committee. The Committee will review the offense(s). The Committee will also decide if further corrective measures should be taken. This can include suspension from the organization anywhere between 14-90 days. One to three strikes will be placed in the member’s file.

Rules subjected to a Third-Degree Offense:

  • Starting a fight with fellow member.
  • Poaching members from our organization.
  • Stolen Valor.
  • Intentionally lying or omitting information during the vetting process.
  • Targeting innocents.
  • OPSEC violations.

Third Degree Offense Intent:

  • Third Degree rules are not subjected to the intent of the member, as they have already been deemed a malicious offense.

Third Degree Offense Correction:

  • The same as the first- and second-degree offense corrective measures.
  • In addition to that, the member’s behavior shall be reviewed by the COC committee. The committee will review the offense(s). The committee will also decide what further corrective measures shall be taken. This can include suspension from the organization anywhere between 30-90 days and two to four strikes will be placed in the member’s file. These offenses also come with the possibility of outright dismissal from the organization if the committee sees fit.

If any member receives four strikes against their record within a one-year period, they will be dismissed from the organization. They have shown that they do not hold themselves to the standard that is required of a California Three Percenter. If a member sees behavior by another member that breaks these rules, they can request a review of the conduct by the COC committee. This can be done by messaging state leadership and the COC committee within 14 days of being notified of the ruling.


The COC committee will be made up of 9 randomly chosen 3% of the 3% members. This will consist of 3 members from each region. The committee will not include state leadership. If an existing committee member cannot complete their duties, another randomly chosen committee

member will be picked. State leadership cannot intervene or hinder the duties of the COC. Committee members will serve a one-year term. All investigations will be handled in a separate committee chat. The accuser can state their complaint and call witnesses as necessary. Once they have presented their entire complaint, the member in question can call witnesses on their behalf for their defense. Once they have completed their defense, the committee can decide if they choose to call any witnesses necessary including having both parties come back to the committee for additional questioning. Once that process is complete, the committee will vote guilty/not guilty. If the member is found guilty by a 2/3 margin, the committee will decide the punishment. The COC committee will inform the member of the verdict and of the punishment if necessary. This punishment must be followed by all.

If the member is found innocent, the accuser’s conduct shall be reviewed by the committee to determine if it was an innocent mistake or done with malice. If a member wishes to appeal the verdict of the COC committee, they must contact the State Lead within 7 days of receiving the verdict. An appeal will be filed by the State Lead to the committee and a full review of the investigation will be done. If the State Lead determines that the member was treated unfairly by the committee, the State Lead can order the committee to hear the case again with the State Lead present to ensure fairness. The state lead can interject on the member’s behalf in the appeals proceeding. After all testimony, the committee will issue their final ruling and this ruling cannot be appealed again.


Events and meetings are what unify and build trust on a local level. It’s all about networking and knowing who you can trust in emergency situations. Events and meetings for members are determined by our 3% of the 3% members and our Trainers. Other events could include organizing protests, reviewing political candidates, creating petitions, disaster relief/cleanup, security details, and supporting local authorities. The meetings do not have to be taught by the “33’s” or Trainers. We encourage letting members teach each other and to always have the trainer certified in the skill set they are teaching when applicable. For instance, if a training event will be firearms training, the trainer should be a certified firearms instructor. We encourage “33’s and Trainers to find out the skills and knowledge that’s within the group and have the members teach each other when possible. Training materials are also available on our forum. Focus areas (listed later in this document) should be the driving factor of these events and meetings. Though meetings are not mandatory for membership, we will require members to remain active on social fronts. If you are unable to attend meet and greets and training events. We understand that not every one of our members is physically able, and some have disabilities that prevent them from traveling and attending training events. Everyone, no matter who you are and what your background is, can have a role in this organization. We need everyone from cooks, journalists, and HAM radio operators to firearms instructors, doctors, and lawyers. Suggested Standard for frequency of meetings: State – Biannually Region – Monthly


Three Percenters should seek to acquire the following basic skills, with the expectation of advancing and fine-tuning your skills.

  • Fundamentals of firearm safety (mandatory completion for new members)
  • Marksmanship training (both pistol and rifle)
  • Advanced tactical/shooting (upon completion of Fundamentals of Firearm Safety and Marksmanship training)
  • Entry level/advanced knowledge of radio operations and comms (recommend GMRS and HAM licensing)
  • Develop a physical fitness/physical preparedness plan (maintain awareness of personal limitations and personal improvement)
  • Basic First Aid/Advanced First Aid (develop advanced medical personnel/field medics)
  • Develop basic understanding of land navigation/GPS/Topographical maps and ability to use a compass.

In addition to these skills, all Three Percenters should know and understand the Constitution in its entirety, especially your rights and your limitations. It is highly recommended to study The Federalist Papers, which describe the context and intent of the Constitution and why each of the articles is important. For legality’s sake, all members should be familiar with Federal, State, and Local laws for where they work, live, and interact. It is expected that you defend ALL rights of ‘We the People’, regardless of Race/Religion/Creed. Protecting freedom becomes more challenging when it involves safeguarding the liberties of those with whom we disagree.


The bylaws can be modified by a two-thirds vote from all members. Any effort to alter the bylaws outside of this established process will result in the immediate expulsion of all involved parties.